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Don’t treat your favored customers and prospects like strangers. To increase your conversion rates, build loyalty, and realize greater ROI in your marketing campaigns, make every interaction personal by leveraging consumer data with personalized messages that are printed on demand.

Variable data printing revolutionizes traditional printing methods by allowing for the customization of each printed piece within a single print run; every direct mail piece can contain unique content tailored to the recipient, including personalized messages, QR codes, images, and even offers. According to a study by InfoTrends, personalized direct mail can yield response rates that are 36% higher than non-personalized mailings, highlighting the effectiveness of this approach. Print on demand (POD) further enhances the capabilities of variable data printing by enabling businesses to produce customized marketing materials on an as-needed basis. Instead of relying on large print runs and storing excess inventory, businesses can leverage print-on-demand to print materials in response to specific customer actions or events.

Adding personalization to their experience leads to great results. With the application of variable data print, you can effortlessly customize every contact by optimizing your customer data to include personal touches that help drive more meaningful engagement with your audience. In addition, you’re shaping your customer’s experience around what they want, and letting them know that you’re paying attention to their needs. By analyzing customer demographics, purchase history, and behavior patterns, companies can craft personalized messages that resonate with individual recipients on a deeper level. According to Statista, 63% of marketers have observed that personalization increases customer interaction and ultimately produces better conversion rates.

Print on demand capabilities let you respond quickly to customer behavior and more accurately target every promotion with messages that are relevant to client needs.

Behavior-Based Print-on-Demand

Behavior-based messaging lies at the heart of effective variable print campaigns. By leveraging customer data and analytics, companies can tailor messaging to align with individual behavior patterns and preferences. Print on demand lets you react and take an active role in the timing of your contacts with customers by providing the ability to engage with customers at various stages of their buying journey or life events. Taking the data a step further, you can build lookalike audiences that match segments of your current customers to pattern campaigns around lifestyles of your prospects or create prospect lists based on major life events.  According to research by Forbes, personalized marketing campaigns based on behavioral data can result in a 20% increase in sales. The real-time customization available through the combination of variable and print on demand options ensures that the information remains accurate and up to date, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the campaign.

Loyalty-Based Print-on-Demand

Based on an understanding of the motivations of your loyalty program members, print-on-demand and personalization through variable data printing combine to create opportunities to keep every communication relevant and valuable to members. You can establish trust and strengthen the relationship when your personalized messaging matches their expectations and mirrors the way audiences make purchasing decisions. Personalized direct mail serves as the engine for loyalty program membership or plan enrollment, from personalized welcome letters and membership packets to customized thank you notes, milestone cards, reward redemption opportunities, exclusive invites and samples of new products – all which can be produced on demand through POD. According to Shopify, as many as 84% of consumers say they’re more apt to stick with a brand that offers a loyalty program, and 66% of customers say the ability to earn rewards changes their spending behavior.

Membership programs are especially effective when communications are coordinated with other marketing channels and linked to digital marketing efforts. Variable data printing gives you the ability to print QR codes that connect through smartphones to immersive WebAR and digital content exclusive experiences. Personalized multi-channel options provide emotional attachments, maps, promo codes, and personalized URLs that direct customers to content curated especially for them that generate better leads and higher conversion rates. According to Zipdo, 72% of consumers say they would prefer to connect with businesses and brands through a multichannel approach.

Promotion-Based Print-on-Demand

Promotional-based messaging remains a staple of direct mail marketing. Potential customers are far more likely to pay attention to a personalized message in your promotional mailings when it closely aligns with their interests and needs. Print-on-demand allows you to scale up marketing efforts and customize promotions in small batches to help you control inventory and more closely tailor your promotions to speak directly to your prospect. The results are higher engagement rates. increased brand awareness, and ultimately, more sales. According to McKinsey, companies that grow faster derive 40% of their revenue from personalization in comparison to their competitors.

Variable data printing combined with the ease of print-on-demand provides customized products using automation via API’s or other marketing automation platforms like Marketing.com’s Dot™, SaaS through channel marketing platform, that streamlines the ordering, printing, and distribution of your direct mail campaigns. It negates the need to keep and manage marketing collateral inventory and helps you reduce both costs and waste through variable data options that are as easy to order as a single click.  According to a survey by Adobe, approximately 4 out of every 5 marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their campaigns.

Print-on-demand is not only for small batches, but useful anytime you want to get your promotion out the door quickly with personalized messaging that directly targets customers, loyalty program members, and prospects. Marketing.com can help you connect the dots to find ways to leverage your data and integrate print-on-demand and variable marketing solutions that increase conversion rates and generate revenue.