Direct mail marketing is a type of direct marketing that is delivered physically to a prospect’s mailbox through a postal service.  Postcards, flyers, catalogs, and other similar materials are common examples of items used in a direct mail marketing strategy.  Direct mail marketing may seem old hat in the internet age, but the tangibility offered by these items offers a distinct advantage over its email equivalent.  These mailed physical items are interactive, offer more creative potential than email, and with the inclusion of coupons and other promotional offers they can spur a recipient towards immediate action and transaction.  Analog methods do not always have to be archaic either, as marketers are often scheming up ways to make packaging more innovative and exciting for the recipient.  Mail marketing approaches can even take a hybrid approach with scannable elements such as QR codes, blending the boundaries between physical and digital. Companies like IKEA, Wayfair and others are using seeing great results using AR technology that lets customers “see” how a sofa, rug or other piece of furniture would look in their homes using a smartphone.

In fact, research shows that direct mail initiatives have a higher return on investment (ROI) than both paid search and online display ads, and only lag shortly behind social media as the leading marketing method.  This clearly indicates that old-fashioned, tried and true methods are not quite ready to be put out to pasture in favor of digital approaches.  If you have neglected direct mail marketing in the pursuit of digital relevance, you would be understood for wanting to keep up with the times.  Regardless, direct mail marketing can still be a valuable component of how you market your business. is a leading expert in connecting all the dots of your marketing approach, including direct response and print options.  If you would like to review how direct mail can enhance your strategy, contact us today.

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